
Friday, September 24, 2010

Boreas's Lunge

Lots of exciting new developments on Howrse right now. We'll be covering all of them in the next few days. But we thought we'd give you some info on one item which has raised a lot of questions in the forums - Boreas's Lunge.

So what is it and how do you get it?

Well Howrse describes it like this: Boreas's Lunge is a very handy object that you can use to improve the performance of the horses in dressage competitions. It brings excellent bonuses.

Obviously with the new dressage competitions coming (more about those soon), the Boreas's Lunge will by a handy little item to have to improve your horses' skills.

However, it can't be bought with passes at the moment. You can only win them as part of the new dressage objectives which end on October 13th. We'll talk all about this in another posting.

Back to the Lunge then. Here are the bonuses it gives you:

  • Dressage: +6 %
  • Galloping: +8 %

  • Trotting: +8 %
So get yourself entered into those dressage comps and let us know if you manage to get a Boreas's Lunge.

Good luck!


EDIT May 2011 - The Boreas's Lunge is still not available to buy from the Black Market for passes. You have to win them in HoPs or other promotions.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Latest crazy Sleipnir auction

Prices on Howrse go up and down - we all know that. But some prices just seem to keep increasing. Sleipnir's used to sell for around 4-5 million equus. We've even seen them sell for under 3 million. Of course, Fire Sleipnirs are the most desirable, mainly because they look so utterly gorgeous and they always sold for the highest prices.

However, in recent weeks even the poor old grey, black, white and brown Sleipnirs' have been fetching increasingly high prices. Just last month I sold my black Sleipnir for an amazing 8 million equus. Now I'm not showing off. Honestly! It's just that we don't remember a non-Fire Sleipnir ever selling for such a high price.

Until now.

At the time of writing this, there is a grey (or gray if you live in the USA) Sleipnir in the auctions, that still has 4 days left to sell and is already on 9 million equus. This is a huge jump in prices and like nothing we've ever seen before. Obviously, we'll keep you updated and hopefully - let you know what he finally sells for.

Oh and one other thing - the top breeders have already managed to breed horses with over 1300 skills. So we're waiting excitedly to see when the first of these hit the sales. Expect some more very high prices for those!

We'll keep you posted
