
Friday, January 7, 2011

Ocean Divine Horse

Well most of you will have seen these wonderful new Divine horses by now. They are unique in that they are the first Divine foals on Howrse. They could only be born by breeding a Snow horse with a Mist. And having looked through the Directory (on Howrse) it seems as if hundreds have been born so far.

At the time of writing, we are still a few hours away from seeing the first adult Oceans, although there have been images of them floating around the site. But as foals, there have been some interesting discussions taking place in the forums about their skills. Some people reported that their Ocean foal had 1693.20 skills when born but others had 1695 and 1696 skills. However, it was soon clear that Oceans' don't gain any skills from foal games but they do gain skills as time goes by - every two days. Some players were saying that they were gaining skills at different rates to other players. So, for example I spoke to someone who's Ocean had 1702.80 skills aged 8 months, but my Ocean only acheived 1702.80 skills when aged 1 year!

Very interesting. A huge debate took place about this and people were suggesting that the BLUP of the mare (Mist horse) was affecting the Ocean's inborn skills or that matching the Snow's top skills with those of the Mist (Mist's top skills change each day) was affecting the inborn skills of the Oceans'. But no-one could explain why some Ocean's gained skills faster than others.

Well one thing seems a little clearer now - all Ocean foals aged up to 1 year and 4 months have reached the same skills - 1702.80. Right now, we don't know if they will keep increasing but we shall definitely let you know.

I think that's enough figures for now. My head hurts!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New versions of Howrse

Well, the big surprise that Howrse have been promising has arrived. And the surprise is ..... four new 'versions' of Howrse. According to the posting from Ow - Owlient have decided to offer more "more culture specific animations" (whatever that means!) and allow players to have a better, more localised gaming experience.

Now there are a number of other language versions of the game already in existence such as the original French version as well German, Russian, Spanish ones, amongst others. However, these new versions will be English language sites but, we are told, will be more tailored to the country's specific culture. Hmmm.

So, USA, UK, Canada and Australia will be first up with their own version. The current 'international' site ( will continue. You can choose whether to just keep playing the current version, switch to one of the new ones or do both. In fact, you can register with as many as you like. Actually, this is already the case with all the non-English language sites. I used to play the Spanish and Russian versions as well as the 'international' version.

So, the big questions are: Why have Owlient done this? And: What will you be doing?

As far as we're concerned, it seems that Owlient, as a business, have realised that there's a whole new market out there. Thousands of players who want a chance to play a new, shiny version of the game (in their own language) that they will have a chance of being successful at. It will be a (fairly) level playing field to start with and so many people will want to be there at the beginning with a chance to be top of the rankings. And how will they do this quickly? By purchasing passes of course! Cynical, but true. And, in fairness, making money is what business's do. Owlient are no different. So it's actually a clever idea. Especially if large numbers of players decide to play two or more verions of the game. That's a lot of extra passes needed isn't it?

Aside from the money-making side, how successful will these new versions be? Initially, they're sure to be popular for the reasons stated above. But will they last? We shall have to wait and see. Maybe the novelty will wear off. Maybe the clutter-free new versions will attract players who have become disillusioned with all the breeding groups and 'elite' players found on

So, let us know what you think. Talk to your friends and other players. We'd all love to know what our fellow players feel about this. Excited? Unhappy? Not bothered?

Get posting!


UPDATE: I just had a look at the statistics for Ultimate Howrse. Most interesting. Guess which countries rank as the top 4 (out of 61 countries) for visitors to this site?

USA 57.3%
UK 20.7%
Canada 15.5%
Australia 6.5%

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Poseidon's Pack

Well as it's now 2011, we thought we'd kick off the New Year with a look at the new Poseidon's Pack. Now, essentially, this new tack pack is designed to replace the Centaur's Pack (for Western competitions) and the Atalante's Pack (for English competitions). Here's how Howrse describe it:

During each storm, Poseidon sheds some scales that are preciously kept to make magical saddlery items.These saddlery items offer a great amount of Poseidon's power to the horses bearing them. You horse owns tack that offers the same performances in Classical or in Western competitions.

To be able to use this Pack you horse must be over 3 years old.

So, the Poseidon's Pack is the new tack pack for every competition. So exactly what benefits does it bring to your horse? Some pretty good ones actually. Here's the list:

  • Poseidon's Horseshoes - Speed +12
  • Poseidon's Bridle - Stamina +12, Dressage +12
  • Poseidon's Saddle - Gallop +12, Trot +12, Jumping +12
  • Poseidon's Scale - Stamina , Speed, Dressage, Jumping, Trot and Gallop - ALL +5
Now we've heard that if you add Poseidon elements to a horse with Atalante's tack, the Poseidon elements replace the Atalante ones. So you don't get an Atalante's Saddle AND a Poseidon's Saddle. Pity though.

So, whether you're training or entering your horses into competitions, the new Poseidon's Pack looks like a must-have item. And we're pretty certain it will soon be available to buy in the Black Market, rather than having to dispatch reindeer to the North Pole to get one!


EDIT May 2011 - The Poseiden's Pack is still not available to buy from the Black Market for passes. You have to win them in HoPs or other promotions.