
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wandering Horses madness!

Looking for the April 2012 Wandering Horses? Then click here.

Well we've never seen anything like it. Howrse has gone crazy. We're all going mad for Fortunes', Pioneers' and Shy's. And as a result of the competition frenzy, prices for passes and HoP's have gone through the roof. Now aside from the controversy that has been raging in the forums about the 'Shy' part of the competition (we'll talk about that another time), this has to be the most popular competition ever on Howrse.

And so, in the frantic scramble to complete the objectives in order to win (for 5 days only, remember) these special horses, people are desperate to get hold of Horns of Plenty in order to get thet elusive 'Champion' horse. And I have to confess, I've been happy to sell pass horses for the going rate. And it's a record for me. 81,000 equus for a pass horse? Yes it's true. Three times! And when I got my Pioneer horse, I sold the HoP that is awarded with it, for 150,000 equus!

Crazy times and crazy prices. I just hope everyone gets what they want and enjoys the madcap mayhem that is the Wandering Horses competition.

Good luck everyone.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wandering Horses and NEW features

Looking for the April 2012 Wandering Horses? Then click here.

We've already seen that showers are coming to the international game but it looks like plenty more new things as well as some changes are on the way. Now all of these things are currently (5th April) only applicable to some of the non-international sites. We got our info from UK Howrse. So here's what we've found:

Wandering Horses feature

For two weeks UK Howrse is running a 'competition' wherby you collect a variety of UFO's or achieve certain objectives. These UFO's and objectives give you points and when you reach 100 points you get to have one of the 'wandering horses' for 5 days. Each of the 6 horses requires you to do things such as log on to the game, buy HoP's, enter races etc. When you 'win' your horse for the 5 days you also get an "awesome gift' when you take care of it. So it looks like HoP sales are going to be busy!

New features

Again, on UK Howrse, there are some changes coming.:
Apples can only be given to other players' horses. This is a strange one and we're not sure why it's been introduced. Maybe Howrse have something planned for the weeks ahead.
Also, the Salt Block is disappearing. No! We love our Salt Blocks. Apparently you will now get more energy when feeding, to compensate.
The double-carrot advantage is now being replaced by a single carrot and single turnip which will just provide more energy. Hmmm. Turnips cost 50e don't they...?
The two lessons are combined into one. So now lessons will take twice as long, use up twice as much energy but give 2.5 times more money and 2.5 times more skills. They will also provide 4% morale. The exisitng benefit of the third lesson will be replaced by additional equus earnings and skill gains in the remaining lesson.

So we shall wait to see if the international game gets all these new features and changes. There's certainly a lot to think about. Let us know your thoughts as we always love to hear from you.


UPDATE: See info on the NEW Wandering horses contest

EC shower coming to Howrse?

We've noticed that on several non-international sites such as UK Howrse, you can now buy a shower (see the picture) for your boxes in equestrian centres. Bizarre but true. Howrse describes the shower like this:

The shower is equipment for boxes in equestrian centres.It allows horses boarded in the box to spend 10% less energy on actions. That's why it's in such high demand among horse breeders and an asset to your centre!

It's an interesting new item and one that would definitely be a boost for breeders. On the UK site today (5th April) showers are priced at 19,900 equus. However, it is the same as the price for boxes and meadows in that the price fluctuates. So expect the price to increase if and when it comes to the international version of the game. We'd be surprised if it didn't come to the 'main' game but you never know.

So will we soon be rushing off to buy showers for our EC's? Maybe next, we'll be buying jacuzzi's and saunas too!


UPDATE: Ow has confirmed that the showers will be coming to the international site soon.