
Saturday, November 12, 2011

New features on Howrse - rosettes, unicorns and more

Howrse have just announced some new features.

You can now win Rosettes in competitions. In competitions with a prestige of more than 75% it is now possible to win a rosette if you come first. The amount of equus you win also doubles if you win the rosette. There are two new rankings to go alongside the rosettes - one for the number of rosettes won per player during the month and one for the number of rosettes won per horse over all time.

Note that it is only possible to win the same rosette once with a horse. So if you enter and win the same race more than once it won't give you another rosette.

You can now also choose the time you breed your unicorns at. This is great if the old unicorn breeding times of 6.23 am and pm GMT were in the middle of the night for you. You can change the time once every 30 days. It will now also say on a female unicorn's page if she was covered at the right time, with the right breed etc. This will make it much clearer for people buying pregnant unicorns in the sales that they are getting the genuine thing.

Howrse have also introduced some new rules to make reserving EC boxes a bit simpler:
  • You can reserve a box for the player of your choice, even if there's already a horse in it
  • When you move a horse, it will now be given priority and placed in a box reserved in its owner's name
  • A horse boarded in a box with a shower in it can only be moved to another box that with a shower
And finally these small changes have also been brought in:

  • You can filter Golden Apple and Helios' Ray creations by their dominant color
  • When a male donkey is put up for sale, all coverings it has offered that haven't yet been accepted by a female are canceled
  • Previous achievement levels no longer appear on player profiles
  • You can now search for horses in sales using the 5th element
  • Philotes' Stroke has been added to the Horns of Plenty
  • Divine horses now have in front of their names so you can pick them out more easily

  • Happy Howrsing,