
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas from Ultimate Howrse

Put away your Greyfell's, forget your BLUP and your EC's for a moment. Patsy and LucyLou would like to wish all our wonderful readers from all over the World, a very Merry Christmas! We hope you enjoy a peaceful, happy and excting Xmas with your friends and family.

And we would like to say how pleased we are that Ultimate Howrse is read by so many Howrse players. We've more and more people visiting the site every day - more than we ever imagined!

So thank you, dear readers. Please tell your friends about Ultimate Howrse so that they can come and join the best Howrse support site on the Net.

Feel free to leave a Christmas message in the comments. OK, now you can get back to your selling, buying, breeding, BLUPing and Christmas Card scratching!

Patsy & LucyLou