
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Training Method - Western Horses

This is the training method that I find works best for Western Horses. There are lots of other methods and approaches out there - some people like to vary the method depending on the breed. However, this is a good place to start if you're looking for something simple to follow that works on all horses.

Once a horse has finished foal games follows this schedule to get your Western Horses blupped and bolded.

Remember to always do a lesson every day as well.

Training schedule:
  • Short Trot rides
  • Speed training
  • Dressage training
  • Cutting competitions
  • Once you're not gaining anything from the Cutting comps complete the Stamina training
  • Western Pleasure competitions
  • Reining competitions
  • Once you're not gaining anything from the Western Pleasure / Reining comps complete the Gallop and Trot training
  • Jump training
  • Trail competitions
  • Long Steep Slope rides and Long Gallop rides to finish bolding
Following this I usually get my horses bolded and blupped by the age of 10 years. The horse should pick up their 20 wins quite easily along the way. I then do Beach Rides if required.


Looking to train a Classical Horse? See our post on Training Methods for Classical Horses.