
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Maze Event April 2017

For their latest event, Howrse have brought back the mazes.

As you travel through each of the mazes you can pick up prizes along the way. There are four mazes to find your way through until 10 April 2017. If you make it through all of them you win the new Divine Taranis.

How to play

To get started you need to choose a horse to accompany you. Remember that you can't look after or sell your horse while they are in the maze with you so choose carefully.

Each step you take through the maze costs 10 paces. Your paces will regenerate at between 3 and 5 paces an hour. 

Top tip: Choose the highest skilled horse you can - their paces will regenerate faster.

As well as prizes ranging from tack and food to Black Market items, you will also find spyglasses and treats in the maze.

  • One treat allows you to move one step in the maze (even if your horse has no paces left). You will find treats in groups of three.
  • A spyglass uncovers squares on the maze map so you can see more clearly where you're going and how to get to the prizes.

Top tip: Work out if it's worth going to get the treats or not. If they're 1 step down a dead-end then it only costs you 2 steps to fetch them and get back to where you were - but you're gained 3 steps in return.

You can gain extra treats by using a Titan's Challenge during the promotional periods (usually at weekends).


  • Maze One: A winged draft horse - the first time they've been available on the game.
  • Maze Two: Helios' Ray and a Golden Horseshoe
  • Maze Three: Titan's Challenge and a Golden Horseshoe
  • Maze Four: New Divine Taranis and a Golden Horseshoe

I find that you end up having to spend quite a bit on the maze event to make it through to the end, so it's not one of my personal favourites. Calculations suggest you'll be able to get all the way to the end of maze three for free, as long as you don't miss any steps and you don't go off course to collect prizes. However, if you're not aiming for the Divine then I'd suggest going to fetch the prizes hidden on the way as it's a good way to stock up on useful items without having to try too hard!

Happy mazing.
