
Monday, May 16, 2011

Howrse Companions

UPDATE: Howrse removed companions from the game in July 2012. They are now very rare and can fetch a lot of money in the sales. If you're looking to complete your trophy collections or want to know the value of the companions you already have, use the links below to find horses with companions for sale.

Very common

Goat companion

Currently the most common companion and cheapest to find in the sales

See all goat companion horses for sale

Rabbit companion

See all rabbit companion horses for sale

Zebra companion

See all zebra companion horses for sale

Swallow companion

See all swallow companion horses for sale

Monkey companion

See all monkey companion horses for sale

Squirrel companion

See all squirrel companion horses for sale


Hen companion

See all hen companion horses for sale

Cat companion

See all cat companion horses for sale

Dog companion

See all dog companion horses for sale


Phoenix companion

See all phoenix companion horses for sale

Sheep companion

See all sheep companion horses for sale

Turtle companion

See all turtle companion horses for sale

Butterfly companion

See all butterfly companion horses for sale

Griffin companion

See all griffin companion horses for sale


Giraffe companion

See all giraffe companion horses for sale


See all bear companion horses for sale

Frog companion

See all frog companion horses for sale

Owl companion

See all owl companion horses for sale

Kangaroo companion

See all kangaroo companion horses for sale

Penguin companion

See all penguin companion horses for sale

Very rare

Ghost companion

There are 3 different types of ghost to collect - all pretty rare these days.

See all ghost companion horses for sale

Dragon companion

There are 4 types of dragon to collect.

See all dragon companion horses for sale

Camel companion

See all camel companion horses for sale

Extremely rare

Bee companion

Bee companions are extremely rare and hardly ever seen in the sales

See all bee companion horses for sale

Ladybug companion

Ladybug companions are also extremely rare and hardly ever seen in the sales

See all ladybug companion horses for sale

Original post below:

Howrse have just introduced companions to the game. Here's a quick guide to what they say about the companions and how they will affect the game:

Once your horse is 8 months old you can now assign him a companion. Once a companion has been assigned to your horse it can't be removed, so make sure you choose wisely. (Scroll down for a guide to what each companion offers your horse).

The companions act as a bonus for your horse giving skill gains and a dressage bonus.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: You now cannot play games with your foal unless your horse has a companion!

Each day when your horse wakes up, its companion is asleep. You can choose to wake up the companion by playing with it or leave it asleep. If you play with a companion the time you choose to play is taken out of your horse's day - just like lessons, rides, training etc.

If you buy a horse with a companion already in place you have 7 days to decide whether to keep the companion or change it to a different one. If you replace the current companion you do not get any compensation and the companion runs away.

When you play with your companion the following things happen:

From 8 months to 1 year 6 months
Your horse receives a gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play, equaling a maximum gain of 1.2 (as previously). So, your old foal games will still work but you MUST now give your horse a companion to be able to see the foal games button.

From 1 year 8 months to 25 years
Your horse wins equus and/or skills depending on which companion it has. The maximum skills gained over your horse's lifetime is 60. These are spread evenly between all his skills (so 10 extra points per skill).

From 1 year 8 months
If you play with your horse's companion for at least 30 minutes it will give your horse a bonus in dressage for that day.

When you age your horse it's companion falls asleep again ready for the next day.

There are currently 7 companions available (Howrse say that there are more on the way)

Cost: 300e
Dressage bonus: +2
From 8 months to 1 year 6 months:
A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play
From 1 year 8 months to 25 years:4 equus for each hour of play

Cost: 500e
Dressage bonus: +6
From 8 months to 1 year 6 months:A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play
From 1 year 8 months to 25 years:
4 equus for each hour of play

Cost: 1000e
Dressage bonus: +3
From 8 months to 1 year 6 months:A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play
From 1 year 8 months to 25 years
6 equus for each hour of play


Cost: Variable
Dressage bonus: +5
From 8 months to 1 year 6 months:A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play
From 1 year 8 months to 25 years:0.06 skill gain for each hour of play

Cost: Variable
Dressage bonus: +9
From 8 months to 1 year 6 months:A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play
From 1 year 8 months to 25 years:0.09 skill gain for each hour of play

Cost: 1 pass
Dressage bonus: +12
From 8 months to 1 year 6 months:A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play
From 1 year 8 months to 25 years:0.12 skills gain and 25 equus for each hour of play

Cost: 2 passes
Dressage bonus: +14
From 8 months to 1 year 6 months:A gain in Genetic Potential for each hour of play
From 1 year 8 months to 25 years:0.15 skill gain and 30 equus for each hour of play

Let us know if you've got any questions or opinions about the introduction of the Howrse companions.



  1. What if your horse dies ...what happens with the companion??

  2. If your horse dies, companions just disappear - like BM items. They do not return to your inventory sadly.


  3. There is now lambs,dogs,frogs & others you know!

  4. I bought a horse with a dog companion and it has the option to let the companion go. What does that mean?

  5. If you buy a horse you have the option to let the companion go so you can give the horse a different one of your choice. You only have this option for 7 days. If you're happy with the one it's got then you don't need to do anything!


  6. Where does the companion go if you let it go? Does it disappear?

  7. Yes, it just disappears. You don't get it back to put on another horse - which would be better!


  8. they have Zebra's and hens now too xxx

  9. this sucks i just gave away my frog because i thought that u could put it on another howrse... =(

  10. You can have turtles now!
    My horse has one!

  11. if you have a companion and you just got a griffin is there anyway you could swap?

  12. how do you get a giraffe? I'm looking through the auctions, and I've seen three horses with giraffes.

  13. Iv only gotten giraffes from horns of plenty and UFOS Ive also bought quiet a few horses with them.


  14. I just bought a horse with a Horn of Gold- if I replace the companion it currently has, will the HoG work on the replacement companion, or does the hoG disappear?

  15. what do polar bear companions do?

  16. If you let a companion go, where does the companion end up?

  17. sadly..., it ends up nowhere...

  18. This is the new completed list

    1. Monkey
    2. Rabbit
    3. Turtle
    4. Swallow
    5. Sheep
    6. Dragon
    7. Hen
    8. Bee
    9. Griffin
    10. Phoenix
    11. Zebra
    12. Butterfly
    13. Frog
    14. Giraffe
    15. Polar Bear
    16. Ladybug
    17. Goat
    18. Cat
    19. Kangaroo
    20. Dog
    21. Squirrel
    22. Penguin
    23. Ghost

    If you don't believe me, check the sales. To see squirrels, check starlightluna's pae for them!

  19. Which companions are considered divines? Is the ghost companion a divine or not?

  20. i have a ghost companion.Does anyone have any info on them,are they rare or divine etc?

  21. No, they're just a companion..

  22. Ghost companions are both rare and divine.

  23. i dont understand why a ghost would be a companion... like if I saw a ghost i'd flip.. so how could you play with one.......... ***loooost***

  24. Ummm that "complete list" up there isn't all complete...I have a pet owl...I have no idea what the benefits are for it all I know is I got it in bingo and when I play with it, it doesn't say "gained x amount of gp" or "earns x amount of equus" It just says "Smoky played for 30 min" Does anyone know what it does?

  25. how do i swap companions

  26. i have a rabbit and i want a phenix but i dont no have to let it go
    what do i do

  27. um what is better dog or cat?

  28. why is it that my fist horse is coming up with let this companion go i really dont understand and i can no longer get any skill point when playing really confused

  29. ok what bonuses dose a dog give i really want to pick the best companion for my Filly Spot Star i want to be able to give her every advantage.

  30. The divine comapnions are Ghost,Dragon,Griffin,Phoenix, And Ghost are rare and divine

    Dogs are not divine but are rare, All companions technically become divine by using the Horn Of Gold, changing there apperance Dragon is the best companion along with dog and ghost


    All the divine companions CANNOT be bought by Passes, The dog does not count as a divine unless you use horn of gold Making it a divine

  32. Some divine companions can be bought with diamonds (used to be passes). The griffin and phoenix can be bought with diamonds in the shop. The dragon and the ghost cannot be bought, and are usually only won in promotions, making them much rarer. The defining features of the divine companion is the great benefits they give your horse, and the fact that they cannot be customised with the horn of gold.

  33. I've heard that for your Equestrian Center you can buy companions for each of the boxes and it boosts your center's prestige. But so far I haven't figured out where to buy these companions.

  34. I found out that most of the time, that the foal is the breed of the sire... most of the time.

  35. how do you get a companion

  36. How can i get me a companion now

  37. There are now coats for the companion animals!

  38. How can I get a companion now? R u sure they r all gone?

  39. So what do companion's do now because howrse has got rid of being able to buy them or put them on horses or playing game's with them?
    Please message me on howrse my username is cocoatizz
    Yep that's right I'm the one with 654 days and General ranking: 7764th and also Reserve: 1 014 733 and 10 karma points with 38 horses including divines

  40. Where do you buy companions? I've looked in the black market and the store but I can't find them!

  41. As it says at the top of the post - you can no longer buy companions. If your horse already had one then it's still there but you can't buy new ones.

  42. Where do you buy the companions or how do you buy them.

  43. You can buy them in the direct sales.

  44. Hello! frostfeather from international howrse here! In order to get compainions you now need to go to the sales to buy them. They will already have horses.

  45. How do i get a companian if it is 2013???????????

  46. What does the hen do

  47. Where are they for sale?
    I dont see them in the Store,
    so where are they?

  48. Why doesn't Howrse have companions anymore?

  49. why cant I buy a companion?

  50. where do I get a companion in 2013?

  51. Some people sell them by sayingsomting like "dog comanion+etc.

  52. You can't get companions anymore.

  53. Why aren't there companions on Howrse anymore?!?!?!?!? WHY???

  54. To all the people who are wondering where the companions went... most people don't know. Howrse just decided to remove them. Any horses that had companions before howrse took them away still have companions, but you can't buy new companions anymore, unless you go to auction/direct sales and find a horse that already has one. Even if you do this, you still can't take the companion off of the horse you bought, so you'd better be ready to stick with that horse.

  55. I can understand why they were removed... the requiring them in order to play foal games. Personally I would say the requirement should be taken out, but having them optional, or just cosmetic around the horse would have been an interesting way to change them.

  56. i wish they were still in the game

  57. how do you get a companion?

  58. it's 2014 now how do I get a companion?

  59. Do compainions still exist on Howrse? i don't see them anymore ...

  60. Nope. But you can still buy them i have about 6. Or mabey 8. I havnt counted.

  61. More current update for anyone who is looking here for the links to buy companions. The easiest way to see all the different types of companions there are and where to buy them is on the trophies page. There are a few different companion related trophies and they will have a link to the sales if you don't own them already. Howrse is still adding new companions, such as the grizzly bear, weta, llama, and shika. However, these are generally short-lived sales promotions or associated with games. Some BM items, such as the Catrina Brooch, always include a randomly selected companion for your horse along with a special coat. Other than these promotions, the only way to get companions nowadays is to buy horses that are already equipped with them.
