
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Puzzle No.2

Well the Puzzle contest is well under way. And as always with these contests, each level gets harder to complete. So, if you haven't yet completed Puzzle No.1 and want to know what the challenges are in No.2 - here they are: 

     Objective                                                       Gift
1. First login of the day                          Posiedon's Horseshoes
2. First login of the day                          50 x turnips
3. Take part in 50 competitions              5 x ageing points  (May depend on how many horses you have)
4. Catch a UFO                                       2000 equus
5. Find the hidden piece                         10% energy for all your horses
6. Find the hidden piece                        1 x Giraffe
7. Be congratulated one time                 1 x Eolus' Wind
8. Groom xx horses                                1 x Swallow (Depends how many horses you have. Max 100)
9. Go to contest page at (TIME)            1 x Helios' Ray

Now as in Puzzle No.1, the jigsaw pieces that you have to find, appear randomly just like UFO's. Also, the time you need to visit the contest page varies, so make sure you check it carefully. As for the 'First login of the day' - there are two of these because Howrse doesn't want players to complete the puzzle in a single day. So you will need to login on TWO different days to achieve these objectives.

Happy jigsawing everyone!



  1. Why does it have First login of the day twice? When you log in, in the morning, does that count for both?

  2. No it doesn't. You will have to login on two seperate days. Today didn't count because you finished puzzle 1 with the log in.

  3. No, you can only do one at a time - as it states in the post above.


  4. Okay... Thanks =)

  5. ho w doy complete the first login of the day objective?

  6. Where is the hidden piece for puzzle 2?

  7. To complete the first login of the day you... log into Howrse! That's it, it's automatic.

    Hidden pieces are found randomly like UFOs. It won't be on the same page for all players. Just click around for a bit and it should appear.


  8. I found it on the same page as puzzle no.1 is it just me?

  9. OK So for first Log in you have to log in ...... that's it but it takes two days and for the hidden pieces they just pop up randomly

  10. How far is everybody in the jigsawpuzzle? I'm on 3rd and I need to participate in grand prix and I need one more log in.. thats all.. unfortunately in GP you can participate only on M-F :( so I will lose 1 day :S :'(

  11. zucodragon on howrseAugust 16, 2011 at 3:46 AM

    I am on the 4th puzzle. Soon to be bonus puzzle. :):) :D

  12. Hiya!
    I have a question about the time puzzle piece. Mine keeps changing when I log in. So I'm sooo confused how too get it! Do you have to keep logged in until that time comes, or something?

  13. yes, you must keep logged in for the whole time until that time comes up.. \:

  14. The puzzles are fun and not stressful. And they're so pretty! I didn't finish them, but is there a place that has the pictures for all the puzzles? If anyone knows, could you PM me the link on Howrse? I'm *LipizzanerKgirl.
