
Monday, January 2, 2012

The highest-skilled Donkey on Howrse?

We rarely talk about Donkeys on Ultimate Howrse, but I have always loved them and found to be intriguing to breed. I know many players love their 'Donks' and enjoy breeding them too. Now as you may or not know, Donkeys are designed to work differently from Horses in the game.

When you breed Horses, you increase their GP by blupping and training properly. This way, Horses's GP and inborn skills increase with each generation. Donkeys are different.

If you BLUP and train your Donkey correctly, the next generation will be born with a LOWER GP. So to increase a Donkey's skills is unusual. Only careful BAD(!) breeding and no training will increase the Donkeys' GP. Strange but true.

Thanks to some wonderful breeders, who have produced Donkeys with very high GP's, I was lucky enough to get two such foals. From these two I bred Taffy.

So I have now have my  rather splendid Donkey - Taffy who, I think may well be the highest-skilled Donkey on Howrse right now with an amazing 702 skills. And whether he is or isn't the highest-skilled, he is still a Donkey and as long as Howrse have them, I will be very happy. So if you haven't thought about breeding Donkeys, why not give it a go?

Now if only we could breed Mules ....



  1. That is so cool! He looks amazing aswell! I have 1 donkey (female) but I can't find any coverings. Please send my donkey a private covering. I am called ilovered99 (on international) and she is called Cherry.

  2. so do i train them or do i not? i want the lowest gp, so i dont train them right, or do i do scirtain things.

  3. If you want a donkey's GP to go down you need to train and fully BLUP. Donkey's are opposite to horses!

    If, like Taffy, you want their GP to go up, you don't train or BLUP.

  4. I need covers as well for my donkey
    I am A Shade Darker and my donkey mare is Kimi

  5. Thank you so much!

  6. @Shade Darker Are you sure the donkey mare's name isn't Komi of Kimi's donkey palace?
