
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Karma System

From February 1st 2012, (UPDATE: It's been confirmed that this will now happen some time during the 8th February) Howrse are overhauling the way Karma works on the game. This is a significant change that will affect everyone who plays on Howrse. A thread exists in the Events Forum which has all the details, as well as many pages of comments from players.

Here are the key things that you need to know about the new Karma system:

  • Every player will have their Karma set to 10 (the new maxiumum limit)
  • If you break a Howrse 'rule' you may be sanctioned Karma points
  • Loss of Karma results in certain sanctions & removal of privileges
  • The lower your Karma, the more limited access you will have to the game
So your Karma will be directly linked to what you can do within the game. Here is Howrse's list of Karma and how loss of Karma will affect you:

  • 10 Karma points - Full access to Howrse
  • 8 Karma points - Access to EC forums is removed
  • 6 Karma points - Access to ALL forums in the game is removed. Access to gift giving & item exchanges is removed
  • 4 Karma points - Access to ALL horse sales is removed. Can no longer propose artwork in the Creative Space
  • 2 Karma points - Access to private messages is removed
  • 0 Karma points - Player automatically banned from the game for 2 months
After 30 days with no further breaking of rules, you regain 1 Karma point. There is much more detail in the Events Forum. This includes information on other sanctions that can be imposed on you that will not remove Karma as well other information.

Two other important things to note. Firstly, you will no longer receive a pass for 5 Karma points recieved. So no more passes from Karma. The maximum Karma anyone can get will be 10. Secondly, when this new system comes into effect, if you have 6 Karma points or more, you will get one Diamond for each Karma point that you have. If you have 1 to 5 Karma points, you will get 1000 equus for each point. If you have zero Karma, you will receive 1000 equus.

If your Karma is negative, you may find some access to the game is limited until you have 'earned' your Karma points back.

Regarding Affixes, we don't yet know what will happen to these, for those players who have gained extra affixes due to their existing Karma.

We will bring you more news on this major change as it happens. Please feel free to ask questions or post your thoughts.



  1. Howrse is becoming soo strict. I got banned from the forums for saying Crud (Exactly how i said it) Thats SUCH a bad word. (extreme sarcasm.)

  2. i dont like it either

  3. i hate that idea sorry howrse but thati is not a good ides

  4. I don't like this idea

  5. I actually like this idea Howrse! It makes everyone equal at least where karma is concerned! Some of us just can't afford constant pass buying to boost our karma and I think this idea will be a good way to keep people from breaking the rules

  6. This is a good thing people! Now you can't buy your way out of a bad reputation. Is that so horrible?

  7. It makes sense to me. I just wish they hadn't changed all the requirements for everything that used to be karma to seniority. I can't stand waiting....

  8. Some people are protesting but I am just waiting until Howrse finally push me over the edge. Then I will delete my Account. I deleted my first howrse account and when I come back, BOOM: A load of new changes ! I am DreamDust by the way if you want to look me up on Howrse

  9. i don't like it i got banned for 2 months and still have to wait a few days i got hacked by a person who got rid of 30k for me and go me on 2 karma so when i can go back on thursday i can't do like anything :( and im a high up player its terrible not being able to go on the worst thing was the admin team where terrible they told me today that my karma wont be restored and i am responsible for my accounts security a load of bad that is :(

  10. Yeah i had 10 Karma yesterday and when i tried to get on my account today, i have been banned for having 0 Karma. I got no warnings and i have no idea why i have been banned. I finally had a good game going, breeding Standardbreds and Standardbred Uni's, 5 passes and a 5th element horse.
    The one time my account went well now this. If they won't tell me why its at 0 when i can go back on in 2 months. i am quitting my account and complaining.

  11. I think howrse is now more like a prison than a fun game, don't get me wrong it's a nice game and there are some lovely people but I'm starting to get extremely annoyed with how you can't do this and you can't do that, seriously?

  12. I was looking for a new breeding group on the forums and it got locked because it was a "ad"

  13. It is way to strict! How is one supposed to enjoy the game when the howrse team is watching us so closely? I mean seriously howrse team! BE FREAKING REAL!

  14. I was supposedly creating multiple accounts, there for Howrse decided to deduct karma points from me... Howrse seriously needs to get their facts straight. Ugh.

  15. i got banned because my karma reached 0 then after my two months from being banned it took another 10 months of all my karma to regain and for me to be able to play fairly and equally again. I got banned for stupid reasons

  16. Ok. So I got banned for a month and lost half my karma for “having two accounts.” The other account that was suspended? My little sisters!! And even when I explained this to howrse they practically said “nope that’s not true you broke the rules deal with what we’ve done to your account.” Like seriously???! No warning. No one asking if this second account was mine or what. Nothing. Now I’m banned for a month and my sister doesn’t have an account. The game devs need to back off and stop accusing people of things they didn’t do. This has gotten way to strict and it’s taking away from players who have done no wrong.
