
Saturday, March 17, 2012

What is BLUP?

On Howrse BLUP stands for Best Linear Unbiased Prediction. This sounds complicated (and in fact if you want to see the maths behind it just Google Best Linear Unbiased Prediction!) but it's actually quite simple. It is a genetic indicator which plays a role in breeding. Basically the BLUP of a foals parents determines how good the foal will turn out to be.

When a foal is born it has a BLUP of -100. During its life your horse's BLUP can reach a max of +100.

How to get +100 BLUP:
  • Your horse must be bolded in its top 3 skills
  • Your horse must have won 20 competitions
  • Your horse must be at least 10 years old
To breed the best foal possible you need both its parents to have +100 BLUP (called fully BLUPPED).

This is how the top breeding groups work. They BLUP lots of generations a day to ensure their horses keep getting better and better and they stay at the top of the Genetic Potential (GP) rankings.

If you breed two horses together with a negative BLUP then the foal will actually turn out to be worse than the parents, with a lower Genetic Potential and no inborn skills. However this is a good thing if you're taking part in the 0GP project!



  1. My horse meets all criteria yet she is only at 96Blup. Can you tell me why?

  2. You may need to wait for your horse to age. If you only just achieved the three criteria for BLUP today then it won't show an increase in your horses BLUP until you age them.

  3. how do I get my horse's top skills bolded?

    1. When they are completely maxed out and can no longer increase

  4. i cant sell my horse fury of the west, which I bought during the tutorial thing but I don't want him, how do I sell him?
