
Monday, November 19, 2012

The Enchanted Greenhouse

There's a brand new contest on Howrse today - the Enchanted Greenhouse.

Until the 9th December, the aim is to grow seeds until they bloom into flowers giving you gifts. The gifts are the usual sorts of things - BM items, aging points, turnips and tack items.

If you get 30 seeds to bloom you get a special Gold seed which offers you a new Wild Horse - the Garrano. And if you really do have green fingers and you get 40 seeds to bloom you win another Gold seed which offers you a Brumby Wild Horse.

There are 5 types of seed - Blue, Purple, Pink, Green and Gold. Each offers a different set of gifts.

You can win seeds in the following ways:
  • When you log in for the first time each day
  • By completing daily missions
  • When you get certain flowers blooming
  • In the flash sales
  • By opening Horns of Plenty (‪2‬ seeds per Horn of Plenty)
Your seeds grow a little bit each day you log in. You can help them along by watering them or by giving them fertiliser.

You can win fertiliser by:
  • By completing daily missions
  • When you get certain flowers blooming
  • In the flash sales
  • By opening Horns of Plenty (1 fertiliser per horn of plenty)
Some of the missions also allow you to water your plants more often.

The picture below shows you how long each type of seed takes to grow.

So good luck and happy gardening!


  1. Can you give any information about the timing. For example what
    20:49:52 means?

  2. It's a 24 hour clock - like Game Time is given in.

    So that's 8.49pm. The 52 is the seconds but I don't think it really needs to be that accurate!


  3. I can only grow 8 plants at a time. How do I get more room?
