
Friday, September 6, 2013

Piñatas for starters

Well it's piñata crazy at the moment on Howrse. It seems like hardly a day goes by without a new competition arriving. So, we were wondering what you thought about all these competitions? Do you enjoy them? Or do you think there are just a few too many?

LucyLou and I remember back three or four years ago when Howrse only had about four competitions or promotions each year. Now they seem to happen pretty much constantly.

So another question would be - do you think you would still play the game if there were hardly any competitions?

We'd love to know what you think.

In the meantime, enjoy those piñatas...



  1. I actually like the competitions.They are pretty fun.Like the jigsaws.But i remembered when there were barely any competitions like back in 2009.I had a old account(2007) but lost it because i forgot my password and wasn't on for about more than 90 days.

  2. I like the comps too, I started the game a year ago and I think it's pretty much what kept me hooked to it. Opportunity to win BM items makes the game more dynamic

  3. I love the Pinatas because they are so fun I only won one divine horse and that is Lips here is the link if you want to see

  4. I like them for the free BMI as a non pass buyer. I do not like that...
    A. the winner is chosen at RANDOM instead of their choosing someone who actually worked hard.
    B. Unless you have around 20-40 passes lieing around average most the time you can't get the Divine. I doubt I'll ever have a non-sellable Divine because you have to be almost rich IRL to get one! :( But ahh well, I get the BMIs. Beggars can't be choosy. ;)
    Would I still play without promos? Yes! I play Howrse for the horses, not the promos. Yes the BMIs are nice but I would find some way to go on. :)
