
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Holsteiner - the new breed of horse

A new breed of horse has appeared today - The Holsteiner. Details are a little thin on the ground right now, but this is a picture of one of the first adults on Howrse. A quick look at the genetics shows that their top three skills, in order, are Jumping , Gallop and Dressage.

At the moment, you can only get a Holsteiner when you win one as part of the bonus puzzle - see below.


UPDATE: They are already appearing in the sales at rather immense prices!


  1. The Cheapest Holstein is 500e and 1 pass Crossbred!

  2. hey, um i want 1 of these. how do i get 1?

  3. i got, i just bred another on of my horses, its a crossbred but i mean still its a holstien and ill buy a pure when they become cheaper :) (im not a pass buyer lol)
