
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jigsaw Puzzle: Bonus puzzle

Just when we thought it would be an 'ordinary' contest, things have changed. Howrse have just introduced Horns of Plenty with which you can win missing pieces for your jigsaw puzzle.

It appears that you can (actually NEED to) use HoP's to complete the bonus puzzle. This means that some of the Balios's have already been won.

We're not quite sure how some people have managed to get their third login for puzzle no.4, but they have and have then used HoP's to help complete the bonus puzzle.

According to one player (NOT confirmed by ultimate Howrse), the bonus puzzle has the following objectives:

  • Objective Gift
    1. First login of the day 1 x Holsteiner foal
    2. First login of the day 1 x Diamond
    3. Use a Philosopher's Stone 1 x Diamond
    4. Give birth to twins 1 x Diamond
    5. Give birth to a Unicorn 1 x Diamond
    6. Open Horns of Plenty 1 x Diamond
    7. Open Horns of Plenty 5 x Diamonds
    8. Open Horns of Plenty 5 x Diamonds
    9. Be the original breeder of
    a 40 year old, non-immortal horse 5 x Diamonds

So, we don't yet know how some players have managed to complete the Jigsaw Puzzle Contest, but they certainly have and those Balios's are disappearing fast!

More news as and when we have it.

UPDATE: Players are reporting that they used over 40 passes to buy HoP's, to complete the bonus puzzle.

UPDATE 2: All of the Balios's have now been won.



  1. The objectives are unfair for non pass buying players. I understand why howrse has done this but i spent a lot of time thinking I had a chance of completing all the puzzles but looking at this I no I am never going to complete this. Thank you for such constant updates I love this website :)

  2. Looks like I'll never get those 5th elements, but I guess I can get that Holstein foal and a couple other gifts.

    What does it mean by "40 year old, non-immortal horse", does it mean a divine?

  3. "40 year old, non-immortal horse" simply means a horse that is over 40 years old and does not have a Philosopher's Stone on it, therefore making it non-immortal. It also needs to be a horse that you bred yourself.


  4. All Howrse cares about anymore is money, money, money. I thought this was a game. Who wants to spend real money on stupid pixels? I think I'm going to be quitting...

  5. you can make a non immortal horse age over 40 by giving it a black orchid when its health is very low.

  6. Why would Howrse do this though, it is not fair that the pass-buying players always get everything good in the game, I mean I know it contributes more money but what if we have been effected by the bad economy or something along those lines. I wish I could have gotten the 5th elements and now because I am poor I won't be able to.

  7. I think that it is good that howrse is doing this! I am a non pass buyer and i managed to complete the first 4 puzzles. And this means i won heaps of awesome prizes! So what if the pass buyers get the advantages... they are the ones keeping the howrse game going!

  8. this person is right as much as I hate it. I just unlocked it and that is what they are. so unfair!

  9. Howrse is very silly to get a mortal 40 yr old that means i have to buy M.arms and LOADS Of b.orcids i really want to quit lol but i cant

  10. I'm not a pass buyer and I did get mad when I noticed the horn of plenty promotion. But I kinda knew it was coming. Some kind of mystic feeling..
    There been many contests already which gives a chance also for non pass buyers like lottery, potions, waterball fight.. So I guess howrse have to make profit someday and offer their investors/pass buyers something garantee winning; like horn of plenty promotion where you can buy your way to Balios. :)

  11. I got all 5 puzzles without using a single pass and i used very little Equuse. Howrse need the money to keep the game running

  12. I'm on the 4th puzzle and I really did try to finish all the puzzles but I've only been on howrse for a month so I don't have a unicorn and I don't buy passes so no horn of plentys for me :(
    I don't think this competition is very fair on non pass buyers or new players! :(

  13. Perfect!! Really, 2 days to bonus puzzle. I already use 2 black orchids for the oldest horse I have. I have her over 1,5 month. Now she is over 40. And you are telling me it won't work?? Why? Breeder means that you breed horses, I don't see any reason why it must be only a horse that was born in your farm. I am getting really upset.

  14. It's perfectly fair for howrse to do this. They are not obligated to give you free stuff, yet that's what they've done in the first 4 puzzles. And it IS possible to complete the bonus puzzle without passes, though it may be difficult. Also, note that the "5th" puzzle is actually the BONUS puzzle. It's considered as EXTRA, with special gifts that require more resources to win. They have to make a profit, or the site would go down! Don't begrudge the pass-buying players, they keep the site running for the rest of us.

  15. I have used 2 passes to get the bounus puzzle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. The puzzles aren't fair for non pass buyers!!! My sister tried as hard as she could to finish them but without anymore items/horses she can sell for passes, its impossible for her. Howrse should make some contests without the need of buying passes.

  17. I rarely ever buy passes for Howrse but my parents allowed me to finally! I was able to complete the Bonus puzzle with a grand total of 12 passes (: (I bought 10). So to those of you players trying to complete the bonus but aren't pass buyers sell some horses because you don't have to use that many!(:

  18. Okay, people. Listen up. This is months late, I know, but come on! I buy passes, and I have a limited income. If you don't have a job or are too young to have a job, that's no reason to say that Howrse isn't being fair to you. Just wait until you get a job, that's what I did. Patience is a virtue, and the Divines aren't going away anytime soon ;)

  19. I believe that it is pretty fair cos the other people are spending actual money to buy those passes...
