
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jigsaw Puzzle No.4

Howrse's jigsaw puzzle contest continues and we've now reached puzzle no.4. as you'll see, it's essentially the same as most of the others.

The prize for completing the whole puzzle is a Dragon, which some players will find pretty useful. OK, enough chit chat. You want answers and we have them for you.

Here are the objectives and the gifts for puzzle no.4:

Objective                                                       Gift
1. First login of the day                          Posiedon's Saddle
2. First login of the day                          150 x turnips
3. First login of the day                          20 x Energy Mash
4. Win 30 competitions                          1 x 4000 equus
5. Be congratulated 3 times                    1 x Dog
6.Take part in the Grand Prix                 1 x Daphne's Laurels
7.Find the hidden piece                          1 x 6000 equus
8. Groom xx horses                                1 x Apollo's Lyre
9. Go to contest page at (TIME)            1 x Pandora's Box

So there you have it. The latest round of objectives and gifts. We're still seeing dozens of questions about the contest. Our advice? Read the other postings on here because all your answers are there. Trust me!

Well good luck for this round of the contest. And, as always, we will be back with news on jigsaw puzzle no.5 as soon as it's available.



  1. Does this mean we have to enter the Grand Prix TWO times? That would be devastating if it does.... But then again there IS a divine at stake.

  2. You have to take part in the Grand Prix once for puzzle 3 and then once for puzzle 4. Just enter 2 horses today - it shouldn't be a problem.


  3. for the jigsaws, i noticed howrse made it so there is time for people to get the grand prix and catch up. ok for others, but bad for me, lol! i'm at the top of the game, all i need is 2 logins and to go on at the time, which i have a lot of time to do.

    add me!

  4. I seem to be stuck at puzzle# no 3. can't get a ticket for grand prix- can't purchase Horn of Plentys on Howrse .. let alone anyhting on howrse. this sucks:/

  5. Is there ANY OTHER WAY of getting a ticket to the grande prix because im losing time to finish the puzzles and i really need one...

  6. you can find grand prix tickets in the horn of plenty i think its the only way :/ luckily i won a grandprix ticket in lottery ages ago :)
