
Friday, December 9, 2011

Greyfell's in the Direct Flash Sales

With the Christmas Card competition in full swing, prices are very high for those players that can afford to bid on Greyfells in the Flash Sales Auctions. And we are talking multiple millions of equus. Now the Direct sales, also have Greyfells in them but they come up very rarely, so I was really pleased to be able to see one today.

Sadly, I had recently bought a silver card so couldn't try and buy it but it was interesting to see what price it was selling for. And the answer is 1.59 million equus. Still a lot of money, but far less than prices in the auctions. In fact, I've seen Diamond cards selling for up to 2 million equus in the actions so I suppose this price for  a Greyfell is almost a bargain! Almost.

Well, whatever your budget, we hope you're enjoying the competition. Let us know if you manage to win a Greyfell or even all 12 of them.

Good luck,



  1. Yup, I got my baby. Although he is a tiny bit useless. I have to wait a month to get my diamond. :(

  2. i got an greyfell too, i didnt read up on the information before he was created, what does he do exactly? and why doesnt he have immortality like the other divines?

  3. I won a Greyfell on the English game I'm SUNSHINE

  4. I have a question. If you give your Greyfell the Philosopher's Stone does it mean that he won't give you any diamonds? And do health mashes work on Greyfells?

    Thanks a lot:)

  5. Once you give a Philosophers' Stone to a Greyfell it can no longer die and be brought back to life - so you will not receive a Diamond.

    Also, Health Mashes do not work on Greyfells. Howrse thought about that one!
