
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Instant Greyfell

We don't normally post about ourselves on Ultimate Howrse, because it's all about you and the game - not us! However, I thought you would be interested to know that I managed, by pure chance, to buy a Greyfell in the Direct Flash Sales. Have a look at the screen grab.

It was a complete fluke. I just popped on to the Flash Sales as I was looking at possibly getting a diamond card. I clicked the 'update' button and it said a Greyfell was up for sale in 2 seconds. I clicked 'update' again and there it was - 'Greyfell'. I just hit the 'Buy Now' button and 'bingo'!

I can't actually believe it. OK, so it cost me 1.59 million equus but seeing as they've been selling in the Flash Sales Auctions for 6 million equus - it's not a bad price! I have to laugh because I actually bought him by accident really. So I now own two Greyfells. Now the first one I got after getting a diamond card just for logging in. It's true, so don't give up hope. You CAN get diamond cards when you log in to the game. And my first Greyfell is a mare and so is now expecting a baby Greyfell. Exciting times.

So good luck with your Christmas Card competitions everyone. I really do hope you win lots of lovely things. And don't forget - you'll be able to send your polar bears and penguins to the North Pole from Christmas Day until New Years' Eve and get even more goodies.

Have fun,



  1. Ha Ha! I only have 1.3 Million.
    And Its true you can get a diamond card just by loging in! I got one this evening when i logged on! And i still havnt got a greyfell. I had all cards in the set except for the diamonds and 1 set, yet the diamond card went to the set with no card!
    My name on howrse: mr brian1

  2. i was so annoyed, because i got a diamond card for logging in, but on that puzzle set, i dont seem to be getting any of the other card. :(
    my howrse name is celestejasper13, add me!

  3. i managed to get a greyfell from cards it`s a male and i would really like a female to breed with to give me more greyfell`s but i know they can only reprouduce one only time will tell id i can keep my greyfell alive or it will die sooner Oh well

    ps. my howrse name is mustang85964 and my cousin who also has a male greyfell her howrse name is littlegiblets (add us)

  4. i got a grey fell today by completing a set...add me: cracker123 or my new account:horse.breeder

  5. I have been getting on howrse everyday, and even bought a few card packs, but have not received a diamond card yet!
    Tips Please?
    All of the diamonds on the flash sales are to much equus! Oh well, its almost Christmas and I will hopefully get some luck!

  6. how do you send your penguins and polar bears to the north pole??

  7. ^ This is my howrse login
    PM me for Greyfell coverings!

  8. I got a greyfell too when i got a diamond card for logging on. but i was so frustrated because the next day i got another diamond card but it was the same one!

  9. I WANT A GREY FELL!!!!!!!! GEME

  10. @ I WANT A GREY FELL!!!!!!!! GEME.

    That is EXTREMELY RUDE! Why on Earth would you say that??? And greyfells arent sellable anyway...

  11. i dont even know how to get a diamond card what are they and add me: starlight_wonders

  12. They are from an old promotion which has now finished. I'm sure they'll be back at some point though so keep an eye out.

  13. i dont have a greyfell :(, i only have 168k, i really want a greyfell. on howrse my name is cookie maree, email me on howrse! please could i have someones baby greyfell? really really cheap, i will pay 20k-60k, please? it would mean alot

  14. I have 2 million but am saving mind u i am rich in passes equus bmis and HOPs (horn of plentys) i have 23 divines and 7 of them greyfell all won by me

  15. just outta you breed a regular horse witha grayfell and gget a baby greyfell?

  16. Can someone PLEASE PM me on Howrse? My username is nacho36. I want some help taking care of my Greyfell. I just resuscitated him and he keeps dying so easily! I don't want to 'p.stone' him cause I love getting the diamonds and equus every 30 days, and I ALWAYS used to, but lately he just keeps dying, coming back to life, and dying in a matter of DAYS!! Any care tips? I don't own ANY black orchids which is kinda a big problem, but that's outta the question LOL. So pleaaase if you can spare any tips, black orchids, equus, or even p.boxes, that would make my day! (I'm in a rut with equus cause you know the lotto? Well, somehow, the server was running slow and I clicked by a ticket twice, and it said on the screen "Error" or something so then it froze. Like 3 minutes later, a boatload of tickets show up on the screen, all my equus are gone (I was down to 800 something), and I just bought like 7 tickets. So now I'm trying to make up the money. Please anybody. I'm slipping away!! :D PM me!

  17. I found a divine grayfell in safe haven female

  18. I wish I had a greyfell :/

  19. You know, it's a real problem where people decide to resort to begging and groaning to get something. I got a Greyfell in the current Cards promotion because I won a diamond joker card from logging in and exchanged it for a Greyfell diamond card. It's all luck, so you can't say no fair, Howrse is treating me badly, because it's all a matter of luck. I'd been playing since 2011 and didn't get a divine until late last year, I believe, so that's two divines in a few months. Personally, I think they're gorgeous, but as of right now they aren't doing much for me. Keep trying, guys, and don't Safe Haven your divines for anything unless you're one of those people who spend hundreds of [dollars, pounds, euros?] for some pixels.
