
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Apollo's Lyre

Since the new features have come in today on Howrse there are lots of questions being asked the changes.

One of the main things players are asking about is the Apollo's Lyre.

NOTE: You can no longer change your horse's Lyre by clicking on the plus symbol next to your horses name.

To change your Lyre, scroll down your horse's page and look just under where their skills are displayed. There you will see the options Animation, Coat, Landscape, Name and Companion. Click on Name and you will be taken to the old Lyre page.



  1. Thankyou so much, I couldn't work out how to do it!

  2. this game is so cool .thanks this help so much

  3. but they changed it again and idk how to use it, because there is nothing on the bottom.

  4. To Anonymous January 16,2013:
    Well now you need to go to the space between your horse's feet and above the skill bar just put your cursor there and now you'll see the personalization

  5. I don't think its there anymore

  6. To Anonymous November 14, 2014 at 1:48 AM:
    It is not there anymore. This page was last updated in 2012. Now, you have to put your cursor anywhere ON your horse and the Apollo's Lyre is at the horse's feet ABOVE the skills section. It is the fourth one. There is no longer Companion by the way... >:/ I hate having to wait 10 days before I can do auctions and THIRTY days before I can directly buy one...stupid "improvements." Anyway...that's what you do..heh heh. :) ;)
