
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ow's Spanish Mustang

A new type of horse is coming to the game very soon. And it's not just a new breed either. Currently if you visit Ow's profile page, find the 'Other Horses' tab at the bottom and look at the last row - you will see the new Spanish Mustang. Now this new horse is not an ordinary horse. However, it is also not a Divine or Special horse. It is, in fact a 'Wild' horse - the first of it's kind on Howrse.

So what's special about it and how can you get one? Well, as it's a wild horse it needs to be tamed before training  can begin. There are no details about how this will be achieved, but it may well be that you will need the help of other Spanish Mustang owners to tame your own horse. Once tamed, the horse can then be trained and entered into competitions as normal. However, every year of his life until he is 80, you will get a Diamond from him.

Now to get one of these new horses, I'm afraid it's not great news for most of us. To get the very first Spanish Mustangs - you will need to come in the top 100 places of the Western Grand Prix. Now the current Western objectives run until 4th March 2012, so we're assuming that players who finish in the top 100 of the Western Grand Prix over the next 3 weeks will win a Spanish Mustang.

According to Ow, the first 100 Spanish Mustangs to be tamed (as mentioned, we don't know how this works yet) will be given a unique number and also have a slightly higher Genetic Potential (GP) than all the other Spanish Mustangs.

So - most of us will never finish in the top 100 of the Grand Prix, so guess what? Yes of course - Spanish Mustangs will soon be available in Horns of Plenty (HoPs) so if you really want one, you can try your luck with a HoP.

As we get more information we will of course share it with you.

Good luck!



  1. Aww aren't passes like really hard to get:( Ive been trying to get passes forever:(

  2. It's so hard to get a Wild Spanish Horse! Ugh! Why Howrse WHYYYYY! Why do the poor stay poor, and the rich get richer? Ah!

  3. I wasted all of my passes trying to get a Spanish Mustang =/ Didn't get anything good either...-sigh-

  4. Got one in my first HoP :D it's so PREETTTYYYYY!! :D


  6. ivew tryed loads and havent got any so upset to see people with 3 of them

  7. I got a spanish mustang. i just finished taming it.

  8. im not good with competitions

  9. i want a wild horse but i dont know how help

  10. well i entered the grand pix and im guessing i won't win and i have no annoying pass's to open the horn of plenty :(

  11. No luck!

    Lilly-Lee: You get them in HOP's. (Horn of plentys)

  12. I can't afford any of them passes are too expensive and I think it's stupid that they need to be bought for money

    1. Withoutpeople who are buying passes howrse couldnt exist. You should be happy with people who want to spend their real money for the game ;).
      Also you have to do a lot more to become succesfull on howrse.
      So next time dont blame on the pwople who buy them, they are the ones who make hiwrse exist

  13. You can buy passes with pone credit. Its really easy! it cost $2 for 1 pass though. But if im ever almost out of credit i just start buying passes :D hope it helped for anyone wanting to know ;)

  14. im poor and i have to keep 23 horses and im bad at competitions

  15. Its not fair to pay a passs just to enter the Grand Prix, THEY SHOULD PAY U FOR COMING!

  16. Don't waste your money on Howrse guys, it's a waste!!

  17. Ugh the only objection I have to Howrse is that some of us can't buy passes and most of the cool or interesting things need passes to be obtained. It is rather annoying that, as someone said earlier, the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. But that being said I wouldn't spend my money on Howrse no matter what remember it is a computer game!

  18. I didn't get one either.But I still play on Howrse.

  19. How do you tame them quickly? Please PM me I'm Kath12
