Firstly, there's the Bewtiched Pumpkin which gives your horse a special Hallowe'en-themed coat along with additional bonuses for your horse. There are four coats: The Bat, The Vampire, The Skeleton and The Ghost. They cost 2 passes each and are all animated! So they look fabulous.
Secondly, you can buy BM items (including the Bewitched Pumpkin) in 'Flash Sales. These sales allow you to buy BM items with equus, rather than passes. And you can choose between direct sales, at a fixed price, or auction sales where you can bid on the Black Market item of your choice.
Thirdly, there's a sweet fight taking place! You catch sweet 'UFO's and receive one for you and one for a friend. The 'sweets' are actually just like normal UFO's, so you'll mainly get stuff like apples and aging points.
In essence, this is all pretty similar to the 'Beach competition' of a few months ago. So expect to see plenty of spooky horses in the sales!
Have fun,