Until 7th November at noon Game Time you can make Magic Potions and win yourself some great gifts. Each potion requires you to collect the right ingredients to make it and win yourself the gift. For example, you need to collect and make a potion with 2 x Phoenix's Tears to win yourself 1000e. You can make a maximum of 3 potions a day.
The top prize is a gemstone Divine - either a Ruby, Sapphire, Jade, Emerald or Amethyst. To win one of these horses you need 5 pegasus feathers, 15 horseshoes (found in HoPs) and 15 ingredients of your choice (all the same). You also need to have made 30 other potions before you can unlock this gift.
You can collect ingredients in the following ways:
Remove the horns off your Unicorns | |
Remove the feathers off your Pegasuses | |
Collect the Halo by using a Pandora's Box | |
Find the Horseshoe in the Horns of Plenty | |
For the other ingredients:
You can get to the Magic Potions contest page by going to your player's homepage and clicking on the link. To get to the Flash Sales (where you can buy extra ingredients that you are missing) follow the link from the Magic Potions contest page.
Happy potion making.