The coat was created by 'moonbean' who has a very special version of the coat - with wings on. And my Humphrey (and other people's) is called that because that was the name moonbean gave to the GA coat when she created it.
The 'Humphrey' coat is now retired so you can't buy one unless you buy a horse with it already on. People seem to love the coat as much as we do and therefore it has become extremely collectable and valuable. Someone recently paid 200,000 equus and 20 passes for one! We often get offers for ours, but we love our 'Humph's' too much to sell them.
Another reason we love Humphrey is because he is so silly and fun. To celebrate this, moonbean has created a truly fabulous profile page which shows pictures of Humphrey travelling the world. If you search for moonbean's page in the Player's Directory, you can see for yourself why we love our Humphrey's.
And we hope you will too.
UPDATE: The lovely moonbean has been in touch with us and let us know that just 31 Humphrey GA coats were created. The last two appeared on 11th May 2010. An even rarer vesrion of the Humphrey coat - called 'Here's Humphrey' was a pegasus version of this fab coat. This one had just 3 uses. One of these can be seen on moonbean's page as the player's avatar. So Humphrey is indeed a very rare and wonderful coat - with or without wings!