Every day you log into Howrse you are given 4 Bingo grids to try and complete. You can collect the numbers you need to complete the grids in the following ways:
- when you log in for the first time each day (25 numbers)
- when your horses play (maximum 10 per day)
- when you give horses a turnip (maximum 10 per day)
- when you register your horses in the Grand Prix (you get 1 numbers per horse, the amount of entires depends on what GP bonuses you have)
- in the flash sales
- with UFOs
- when you use your passes (excluding horse purchases) (1 pass used = 1 number or a bonus)
A bonus number (won by using passes or in the flash sales) allows you to pick any number you need in order to finish a line or grid.
To earn the first gift you have to complete one line of 5 numbers on one of your grids. You can complete a line horizontally, vertically or diagonally. To win the second gift, you have to complete two lines on the same grid. To get the third gift, you have to follow the directions given on the contest page which change each day.
Every night a lottery draw takes place and 6 lucky players who completed a whole grid the day before will win the brand new wild horse: Exmoor.
You can also buy extra grids using your equus. Remember though, the bingo grids only last one day. At the update everything is reset and you get a new set of grids to complete along with some new prizes.
Happy Bingo number collecting!