Don't spend your money on boxes, bedding, pets, staff or anything else - use it to buy fields, seeds and manure. This may sound weird but there is method in this madness...
Crops = cash!
Spend the first few weeks that you own your EC growing and harvesting crops to build up your equus reserve. Then, once you have a good amount of money, you can start to buy the boxes and employ the staff that you'll need. And you'll be able to afford much better quality. Which means your EC will get off to a flying start.
The seasons that you can plant crops (and how long they take to grow are shown below):
Carrot seeds - spring - 9 days
Wheat seeds - summer - 9 days
Barley seeds - spring - 10 days
Oat seeds - spring - 11 days
Turnip seeds - summer - 7 days
Pass seeds - autumn - 30 days
Apple seeds - autumn - A harvest every Fall
Flax seeds - spring - 8 days
The best things to grow are Flax in the spring and Turnips in the summer - these will bring in the most money when you sell them back to the store.
We'll explain about the other crops that you'll need to grow in a future post.
So it is true - sometimes money does grow on trees (well on crops anyway!)