Howrse say that the reason they are removing them from the game is because people were having "technical" problems when trying to create the coats, saying that yhe feature isn't supported by most internet browsers. Strange, as LucyLou and I have created DA's using Firefox, Internet Explorer (older and newer versions) and Safari. Hmmm. Anyway, that's the reason they give, so it must be true!
Now some players are upset by the removal of the DA's. Others are not. Personally, I never thought they were that great. A lot of the time - the DA's either looked exactly the same as standard coats, or like the result of a fight in a wallpaper shop. On the bright side - once they disappear from the game, they may become a little more valuable. We shall see.
Will you miss Diamond Apple coats ... or not? Let us know what you think.