The competiton runs until 16th April and in that time you have to attempt to win all 9 horses and if you do, you win (and get to keep) the latest of the new Wild Horses - Sorraia. However, this is easier said than done. Some of the Wandering Horses are easy to win because you are simply required to login in to Howrse, be congratulated by other players or enter your horses into competitions.
Other Wandering Horses can only be won if you buy lots of Horns of Plenty (HoPs) or give equus to Ow. Some of these tasks are either difficult and/or expensive. On the bright side - with each Wandering Horse that you win (you need to gain 100 points per horse) you get prizes such as Achilles' Heels, Aging points, Harmony packs etc.
Now the number of horse competitions you must win, or amount of equus you must give to Ow, in order to win your Wandering Horses, varies from player to player depending on how many horses and equus you have. So if you have 100,000e then you will need to give Ow far less equus than if you have, say, 35,000,000e. This is designed to make it fair to all players.
One other feature of the Wandering Horses competiton is that a mystery horse will become available on 13th April at midday (Game Time). We don't know any more about it yet, or what objective you will have to achieve to win it.
So in the meantime, enjoy gathering your Wandering Horses and good luck!