Of course the rules and regulations are there for a reason, but we feel that sometimes good questions just get shouted down. So we would like to invite you, the lovely readers of Ultimate Howrse to send us your questions or thoughts.
If you have any questions about the game; anything you don't understand, any tips you'd like us to write about or maybe a wonderful idea you'd like to share - you can email us. But before you fire off that email, remember - we want reasonable, relevant and polite messages from you. OK? Alright then - here's the email address: ultimatehowrse@me.com.
We really want to involve you, the Howrse player and we want to help as many people as we can. But don't feel ignored if we haven't have time to reply to you personally as we expect to receive plenty of messages. We promise to read all your emails though and act upon as many suggestions and comments as we can.
After all - we all love Howrse don't we?
Patsy & LucyLou