Horses lose health for a variety of reasons including:
- Being too fat or too thin
- Not going to bed before 22.00
- Going to bed with less than 20% energy
- Not being groomed
If your horse does lose health then check the above factors. If he is too fat or too thin it will tell you this when you click on the 'Feed' icon. If he is too fat, give him half of what it tells you to. If he is too thin give him twice as much as it tells you to.
Putting your horse in the meadow or box and doing lessons with him will improve his health. If you are in an EC with health mashes give him one of these - this will immediately improve his health by 10%. However, you can only give a mash every 3 days.
If your horse does lose health then stop training him. If you train a horse with low health he will gain less skills than he would otherwise have done. You can continue with lessons though until he is better and ready to start training again.
Always make sure you put your horse to bed before 22.00, with 20% or more energy and that he has been groomed. If you do all this then your horse will stay happy and healthy!
If your horse is over the age of 25 and NOT immortal then he will slowly lose health the older he gets. This is simply him getting too old. If he dies over the age of 30 and you send him to Heaven you will get a pass in return.