Howrse also says this about Sapphire: Sapphire is a precious horse. Each time he wakes up, he asks you to come and join him on another player's page. If you follow his instructions, Sapphire gives you a diamond on even days and 1000 equus on odd days.
Each Sapphire comes with a Philospher's Stone and a Water of Youth. Like most Divines they are male and cannot breed and currently they cannot be sold either. This may well change so we'll let you know if and when you can get Sapphires in HoP's or in the sales. They also have 1200 skills split evenly amongst speed, jumping, gallop etc.
Now the only way to get one of these lovely horses right now, is by cooking up a potion using the following ingredients:
15 x Horseshoes
5 x Pegasus Feathers
15 x Ingredients of your choice
But even that isn't quite enough. You need to have made 30 potions throughout the course of the contest too.
So get those potions brewed and maybe you too can soon be the proud owner of a magical, diamond-giving Sapphire!
Good luck,
UPDATE: We understand that the issue with Sapphire's not working properly has now been fixed.
Cool Really want one
ReplyDeleteI only need to make 3 more potions to get one! :)
ReplyDeleteHow do we actually follow his instructions - second day I've had mine now, and he hasn't asked me to follow him onto another players page ...
ReplyDeleteThat's a very good question. LucyLou got her new Sapphire yesterday and today she has discovered that Sapphire is not behaving as he should. We've looked at the forums on Howrse and it appears that everyone's having the same issues.
ReplyDeleteWe'll get back to you as soon as we know more!
a comment for Pasty
ReplyDeletehow do we get the ingredients thats not in the flash sales and you can't get a horn of plenty,like horseshoes
oh good! mine is not doing what it says he should do either. Ill keep looking on your page for the latest news!
Unfortunately, the only way to get horseshoes (for the Fruit Salad contest) is to buy a Horn of Plenty.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the news on Sapphires - no news as of Sunday 17th July. This is probably because it's the weekend and I think the developers only work Monday to Friday!
So it should be working on Monday? ..I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought it wasn't working right xD I thought I was doing something wrong. Hence why I was looking at this ~ ~
ReplyDeleteHi all, the Howrse Techies are fixing the problem and the Sapphire should be working after tonight/tomorrow's (depending where you are situated) update! If you own a Sapphire and have cared for it today, look back in your financial history and you'll find a consolation of "Discovery of Sapphire on the player's page Retired breeder*" with a prize of 1000e.
ReplyDeleteTake care!
* Called "Retired Breeder" only because you didn't find it on anyone's page, it's a gift to you! There isn't a nutter who's deleted their game and Sapphire! :)
how do you know how many diamonds you have? I have a divine by opening the horn of plenty. Hes really cool. I hope that later we can breed them. It would be so cute to se little sappires
ReplyDeleteYou can see your Diamonds in your Black Market inventory. Congratulations on winning your Sapphire!
I found 6 Sapphires in horns of plenties and I didn't get a single diamond! Oh and add me on howrse im az333!!
ReplyDeletehow do we use diamonds?
ReplyDeleteYou can now breed with Saphire :)
ReplyDeleteOK, let's be careful about this. As of right now Sapphire's have the ABILITY to breed but cannot ACTUALLY breed. The reproduction buttons are there on your Sapphire's page but at the moment you cannot breed with any other horse or Divine horse.
ReplyDeleteClearly Howrse are preparing for Sapphire's to breed so there may well be a new Divine coming out in the September Calendar, but we just don't know yet.
Name on Howrse- wr.1400
ReplyDeleteCan they be sold yet ?
No, not as yet.
I have one! I got him in a Horn of Plenty. I was so happy. I still am, I only got him today
ReplyDeleteAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWW I WAANT 1 2!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteim from romania
ReplyDeletehow can u find more ingredients to make them? i havent made any yet
ReplyDeletei am glad potions ended there was no way i was going to get 1 more peagasus feather so i ended up getting about 20,000 equus
ReplyDeleteI won't be able to do that but thanks anyway.
ReplyDeletehow doy you make the potioin