The Creation Space is now the place where you submit illustrations for Golden Apple coats via the Black Pearl.
Howrse have also introduced two new items that you can submit illustrations for: the companions (bought with a Horn of Gold) or backgrounds for your horses' pages (bought with a Helios's Ray).
The Creation Space is for all languages (English, German, French etc...). That means if you propose an illustration and it wins the vote, it will be available in all languages and vice versa.
Yes, there is now a vote involved. When you submit an illustration to the Creation Space other players will be able to vote for their favourites. Your coat / background will only be accepted by Howrse if enough players vote for it!
The selection process takes place every month, and follows a specific procedure. This month:
- Proposing illustrations
16 may 01:00 » 23 may 00:59
Everyone can propose illustrations using the Black Pearl
- Validation
The Howrse team removes any illustrations that don't comply with the rules
- Voting
25 may 01:00 » 30 may 00:59
Players of all languages vote on the illustrations once they have been validated
- Selection
The most popular illustrations are selected and sorted by category
- Publishing
31 may 11:00
The selected illustrations are published online in each of the site's languages
Proposing illustrations gets the creator rewards. The day an illustration is published, each illustration earns its author:
- 10,000 equus
- Different numbers of passes for different types of illustration:
50 passes For a Coat for the Golden Apple with no limitation on the number of uses or 25 passes for a coat with a limited number of uses
25 passes for a Helios's Ray landscape
15 passes for a Horn of Gold companion
So, get yourselves along to the Creation Space and start submitting your illustrations, voting and enjoying the new graphics that come along. Let us know what you think.
just read this and what happens if u are unable to get your hands on a black pearl or pass what do u do then because i need passes but not getting any i try selling horses for passes but not getting far anyway hope i get somewhere with your help
ReplyDeleteIs there another way without having to use passes I don't have any