As previously, you need to complete various actions and tasks during the lifetime of the contest. As you achieve each of these, you are rewarded with a 'visit' form one of seven wandering horses. These horses only visit you for 5 days before, literally, wandering off again. However, they do bring you gifts such as Diamonds, HoP's and even Nyx Packs.
Now once you have completed every task and been visited by all seven of the wandering horses (including the mystery 7th one) you win Zephyr, which is another, new Wild horse in the game.
Now the tasks and actions you are required to complete vary in difficulty. The easiest ones are things like logging on each day or entering competitions. Now, each of the seven sets of tasks require you to gain 100 points. With some tasks, how many points you gain for each task varies from player to player.
For example, for the Competitions task, (Caraibiana horse) when I hover my mouse over the mission information, it tells be that I gain 0.32 points per race I enter a horse into. I have 100 horses. Now someone else, who owns 10,000 horses will only gain 0.1 points for each race her horses enter. So to get 100 points in the Competitions task, I have to enter 312 races but the person with 10,000 horses has to enter a staggering 1000 races! You have been warned...
Now one thing players complain about every time with the Wandering Horses contest, is that you need to open HoP's in order to complete one of the tasks (Atlantico horse this time). And you only gain 4 points for every Horn of Plenty you open. So you will need to open 25 HoP's to complete this task and get Atlantico, which is a lot of HoP's, especially if you need to use Passes to buy them.
So for many players, this contest is just too expensive, in terms of time and HoP's. However, you can still play along and win some nice free items even if you won't be able to go for that elusive Zephyr.
So enjoy yourselves and good luck!
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