Horses lose health for a variety of reasons including:
- Being too fat or too thin
- Not going to bed before 22.00
- Going to bed with less than 20% energy
- Not being groomed
If your horse does lose health then check the above factors. If he is too fat or too thin it will tell you this when you click on the 'Feed' icon. If he is too fat, give him half of what it tells you to. If he is too thin give him twice as much as it tells you to.
Putting your horse in the meadow or box and doing lessons with him will improve his health. If you are in an EC with health mashes give him one of these - this will immediately improve his health by 10%. However, you can only give a mash every 3 days.
If your horse does lose health then stop training him. If you train a horse with low health he will gain less skills than he would otherwise have done. You can continue with lessons though until he is better and ready to start training again.
Always make sure you put your horse to bed before 22.00, with 20% or more energy and that he has been groomed. If you do all this then your horse will stay happy and healthy!
If your horse is over the age of 25 and NOT immortal then he will slowly lose health the older he gets. This is simply him getting too old. If he dies over the age of 30 and you send him to Heaven you will get a pass in return.
Ok, how do you like give them more energy if u have done all u can do in a day and there is nothing else to do?????!
ReplyDeleteYou use AP once and then only do a mission with them and care for them, ot should be over 20, then wait until tomorrow or continue APing. It's especially hard if you are BLUPing, because you have then missed a 2 months of training, but it happens to the best of us! hope it helped!
DeleteIf there is no time left in your horses day and/or you've run out of things to give him then the best thing to do is wait until the next day. Your horse will be ill but as long as you look after him, he'll be fine.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if your horse has under 5% energy left then you will need to give them a Black Orchid (available from the Black Market for 1 pass) or they may die overnight.
So say my horse had 14 health... Would he be okay?
ReplyDeleteHe will be OK, as long as you identify what's wrong with him and put it right.
ReplyDeleteIf he's too fat or thin you must either overfeed him (to make him fatter) or feed him nothing (to make him thinner).
If you don't know what's wrong then the best thing to do is give him a Black Orchid or your horse might die overnight.
it says my horse is too thin how do i make it fatter
ReplyDeleteYou need to feed him as much as possible. Give him the maximum allowed fodder and oats first thing in the morning. Then put him out in the pasture for as many hours as you can.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to groom him and give him a drink. Then age him and see if he gets back to his proper weight. If not, overfeed him again.
What Happens If you age your horse with less than 30% energy?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely nothing will happen.
ReplyDeleteIf they have less than 20% energy then they will have less energy and morale the next day.
If less than 15% then they may get ill overnight and any lower than 10% energy then they will be very poorly so try your best not to let that happen!
My horse has 14 percent health. I need to age her so she can give birth. Will she die?
ReplyDeleteYou might just get away with it at 14%. Make sure she goes to bed on time with the correct amount of food etc.
ReplyDeleteIf possible though give her a Black Orchid to get her health back up as foaling takes a lot of energy and she may die the next day.
My horse has 9% health, doesn't have immortality and I can't afford a Black Orchid. What do I do? If you want to check out my horse, my account is Dragon Flight and the horse I'm talking about is Blaze.
ReplyDeleteHi Dragon Flight - I just checked out Blaze and he is immortal so he'll be fine.
ReplyDeleteYou just need to get him back to the correct weight by overfeeding him slightly and give him health mashes when you can. He'll be fine.
I have a foal and he only has 17% health.I would use the Black Orchid but I don't have any passes :( will my horse be ok?
ReplyDeleteYour horse should be ok BUT it depends on how old your foal is. If it's under 6 months, make sure you stroke, groom, water and suckle. Then he should get better on his own. If he's over 6 months old, check that you are feeding him the right amount. If it says he is over or underweight, you will need to feed him less/more to compensate.
ReplyDeleteAlways make sure you groom him every day and always check he has eaten the correct amount of food at the END of the day. Of course you also need to ensure he is put to bed before 10pm each day and that he sleeps in his box if the temperature is below 10 degrees.
Good luck,
It wont let me give my mare immorality.what do i do?
ReplyDeleteWell since you don't go into much detail about your problem, the only thing I can suggest is that you don't have enough passes.
ReplyDeleteIt costs 3 passes to put a Stone on your horse. There shouldn't be any other reason it won't work. You can put a stone on at any age.
Can a horse with immortality die
ReplyDeleteIf my horse has 1% energy left and you age it, will it die?
ReplyDeleteYes, unless your horse is immortal, it will die with only 1% energy.
how much times can you age them a day without them dying?
ReplyDeleteThere are no energy mashes at store. What do you do?
ReplyDeleteI have a 10 month old foal who has only 2% energy left. I have already given her a turnip (she can't get a carrot because the EC she's in doesn't give them) and fed her the necessary amount. Feeding her more would only give her 0.3% more energy. Since she's a foal I can't give her mashes and I have no passes for a black orchid. Is there anything I can do?
ReplyDeleteTry to feed her as much as you can or see if by putting her in a box or meadow will give her more energy. I would recommend keeping her up until 24:00 to make sure she has more than 5%, otherwise she might die.
ReplyDeleteThe real horsemanship also tackles the health of horses. An equine’s stomach is a delicate balance of getting the right proteins, grains, hay, supplements, water intake and proper digestions of these substances.
ReplyDeletemy horse has 14 percent health and that's because she is too skinny I give her 22 pounds of fodder every day but she isn't getting better what do I do
ReplyDeletewhat if i have no passes and i cant get black ochired
ReplyDeleteI have a pass for black orchid, how do you use it?
ReplyDeleteI'm Shetland Lover888 (on Howrse), friend me or pm me if you need advice, I have 362 days seniority.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I can't give my horse health mashes! I know I registered her in an EC that offers them, and I checked that it's still in stock, but the selection for the health mash is grayed out! Can someone help explain?
ReplyDeleteThe horse may be under 2 years old.
Deletewhat if your horses health is low and it says to use a black orkid? is there any other way of regenirating its health
ReplyDeleteI have a horse that is over 25 and her health is deteriorating. I can't get a black orchid because I have no passes. She's fine now, but I'm worried about how much longer she will last. Can anyone give me some advice? Is there anything I can do? And by the way, my account is cowgirl789.
ReplyDeleteI just got my horse and it's 9% health! Any advice?
ReplyDeleteHow can you give the horse a black orchird
ReplyDeleteI am about to let age my mare so she can give birth, but her health is only at 35%! If i age her and she gives birth will she die?
ReplyDeleteMy horse is 11% and I want to age him. Well he be okay?
ReplyDeleteI ran out of fodder and oats. How do I get more? I cant select the fodder or oat amount so i guess i ran out! My horses are hungry and i dont know how to feed them!
ReplyDeletemy horse is at 14 percent of health and it wont let me feed her and I don't have any passes. what do I do next? I don't have a black orchid. she is supposed to have a foal and I cant check the ultrasound. I don't want her to die either. can u please answer this as soon as possible?! my user for howrse is kyleighbabe04 and my mares name is yogi. thanks
ReplyDeletemy mare has 14 percent of health and it wont let me feed her anything and she is supposed to have a foal. I cant check the ultrasound. what do I do next? I don't want her to die. I don't have any passes either and I don't have a black orchid. im out of aging points also. my other problem was my male horse is totally out of energy and it wont let me feed him so what do I do?!
ReplyDeleteMy mare is 27 and her health is deteriorating for m=no reason is she dying of old age?
ReplyDeleteYes, this is natural.
DeleteIf she isn't immortal, then yes.
Deletecan you give a black orchid to a horse over 25 years old?
DeleteYes. Some people use them to age their non-immortal horses to 30 years and beyond. Sometimes it is part of a contest to have a non-immortal horse that is over a certain age (usually 40+) - and if you have one they're worth a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteMy mare is immortaland reached the age of 26 she's losing health but her weights just fine she's not doing as much competition as she used to just some rides and maybe a mission. I'm worried can you help me?
ReplyDeleteI'm new to Howrse and my inventory says I have 657 fodder, but when I try to feed my horse it says I have none?! Help? ;-;
ReplyDeleteIf she's immortal then she'll be fine. Just look after her as normal and she'll regain her missing health.
ReplyDeleteMy horse has 7% energy left; however, he also has a Philosopher's Stone. Will he be all right?
ReplyDeleteMy horse Ares is still a foal and its telling me that he's under weight and to give him 8 fodder, but the issue is that I know I have fodder but its not allowing me to select any to give to him, its just all transparent and not allowing me to feed him, He's immortal so he won't die but it won't let me do anything else with him unless I feed him
ReplyDeleteI used to think that if a horse has 0% energy but 100% health and morale, it will wake up with almost no energy and very low health and the next day. That it cannot die from exhaustion unless its health is below 100%. But then I accidentally aged a horse with fully depleted health and maxed out health and morale bedded at 24:00 without giving it a Black Orchid, and it died the next day...