Let us know your experience. We tend to think that Howrse 'fixes' it so that the first HoP you open after completing/validating Objectve 89, will give you another HoP. In all the time I've played the game, I have only twice found a HoP inside a Horn of Plenty, so the chances are very small. If Howrse didn't artificially increase our chances, it could take years to complete Objective 90!
So let us know how you get on. Good luck.
You were just very lucky! I have opened three and still haven't gotten an HOP in it.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to other players! (I'm ryana16)
I just got an atlantes pack in one, wind in another another atlantes pack in another, but in the first one i opened during the contest with the elements and mists give away in the hop i got a 5TH ELEMENT!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeletei've opened at least 7 HoP's and not once have i gotten another HoP inside :(
ReplyDeleteI'm blp96 on Howrse, and I jsut reached this objective. I havnt found a HoP yet..I'm hoping to soon!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am looking for two Philosopher's Stones for my horses....If you want to help me PM me on Howrse at: blp96
hi i'm BlackyJacky on Howrse and I found 1 HoP in HoP,and it was fun!
ReplyDeletei havent got to this objective yet, but i opened like, 5 yesterday and 2 of them had an hop, its gunny, i got an hop in one, i opened that new one i just found, and in it was another hop, i opened that one and in it was a 5th element! i find this very easy to do, i get like 5 hops in an hop a week :)add me im mf cool8
ReplyDeleteim gb199 and i hav not got a HoP in a HoP yet:(
ReplyDeleteWOW!!! You are so lucky!! I have opened about seven so far, and no luck... it has been taking me ages. But, I am determined!!
ReplyDeleteI am ambersunchaser <-- Friend me!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are absurdly lucky... I've opened five or six, no HoP.... Plenty of other cool stuff, though!
agreed you're so lucky, had a few now but no HOPs :( CLOX
ReplyDeleteI have opened well over ten and still nothing, but I am gettting a tonne of other BM, and not just the terrible ones
ReplyDeleteI once opened a Horn of Plenty
ReplyDeleteIn that I got a Horn of Plenty
In that I got a Treasure Chest
In that I got a Horn of Plenty
What if you're not allowed to buy passes 'cause your parents won't let you? Then how could you get a HoP in the first place? I did win one on my first day though and I opened it then I found
ReplyDeleteAnother HoP
Pandora's Box x2
50 apples
1000 equs
I can't remember what the second one had...
ADD ME spirit3001
this objective changed!!? Now it is that you have to breed a unicorn and then you get a hop
ReplyDeletei'm looking for a horn of plenty or a hera pack. pm me on howrse it you think you might be able to help. i will offer 1 zeus's lightening bolt or 1 pandora's box for either of them.
ReplyDeleteOn Howrse I am I.Luv.Caspian
happy howrsing!
I'm on my sixteenth failed uni for the new objective 90... I don't know how those Uni breeders can take it! It's like trying to catch a Feebas!
ReplyDeleteI completed this objective as soon as I got it. I think it was because I had done it recently, even though I didn't have it.
ReplyDeleteHowrse has got rid of the objectives now, everyone has trophies. :(