Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ocean update

Well, the skills keep on gaining. My Ocean has just 'grown up' and is now 1 year and 6 months old. His skills have increased again and are now 1707.60. However, things are still a little bit weird. I spoke to another player today who told me that their Ocean who is still only 4 months old also has 1707.60 skills! I had to check to see if it were true. And indeed it was.

So just a few days ago, there were no Oceans as young as 4 months with 1707.60 skills. We've even checked the parents' BLUP and age and Oceans with identical parental skills, BLUP and age produced Oceans with different inborn skills.

Very strange. So if you have any ideas about the weird world of Oceans' skills - leave a comment. and maybe we'll work out what's going on!


UPDATE: As of 12 Jan - skills are now 1711.60 .....


  1. No idea! But I did find out today that mine has lessons gains (wow!). Not I've really got to get my EC better, and I'm wondering if I should use a WoY. >sigh< decisions, decisions!

  2. my theory is that a WoY could be behind some of this. people say an ocean's skills increase every 2 days, but that doesn't necessarily mean they increase every 4 months. idk, but as soon as i can board my ocean in an ec i will give it a WoY and see what happens. only 2 days to go! ill keep you posted, guys!
