Now the number of polar bears and penguins you have will determine what they can bring you. You can see all the details from the Howrse home page. Items include aging points, 5th Element coats, Black Orchids as well as new items like the Treasure Chest and Achilles Heel.
We will tell you more about these items very soon. In the meantime, just be careful about how many penguins and polar bears you send on each expedition. You have until 31st December at 23:59 to send them on their journeys. After that they will not be able to go to the North Pole.
The time each expedition takes depends on the value of the items being collected. So 20 turnips take just a day but the Treasure Chest takes 8 days - so plan carefully!
We will be back soon with more information and help but as it's Christmas Day there are other things to do!
Merry Christmas,
But how do you send them? i can't figure out where you send them off from...someone else said go to the home page and click take part, but i dont see a takepart button! please please help!
ReplyDeleteyeah. ditto
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out how to send them I have 27 penguins and 15 polar bears, my accounts name is kingwebbybandb
ReplyDeleteOn the home page, go down to the options underneath where is shows your horses. There are three options; one says Merry Christmas: Trip to the North Pole. Select it and press take part.
ReplyDeletesomeone answer how to send them because we are running out of time!! how do i send my polar bears and penguins???
ReplyDeleteYou go to the front page and there is a box with the announcements in it. There will be a slide that talks bout the north pole trip, and a small button that says take part. You click on that, and then you get to this page where you have a big picture with all the prizes. You then click on a prize, and a small page pops up. If you have enough polar bears and penguins to get it, there is a small green button that says "get the prize" and you click that to get it. Hope you find this useful! :) :P :D >o<
ReplyDeletePS: My username is Smile66, so please check out my page. I love the christmas cards, I got a Greyfell from the puzzles.
While sending your penguins and polar bears to the north pole, can you still EARN penguins and polar bears during the sending time? I am SO close to 70 penguins, but i only have 63 and i really need 7 more penguins!! Can i still get them as of today? Please help! PM me on Howrse if you gave me an answer and i'll send you a turnip for your help. My user is nacho36. Thanks so much!!
ReplyDeletePenguins don't come from the north pole, they come from the south pole..