You will now see some new buttons appear on your foal's page. The first place to look is in the top right-hand corner. As your foal is now too old to live with it's mother you need to place it in an Equestrian Centre.
Click on the 'Register my horse' button.
A list will now appear showing you the best 20 available EC's (Equestrian Centre's) for your foal. Always try to go for one near the top of the list as these are the better centres. Click on the names of the centres on the left hand side to have a look at each stable. Try to choose one that has meadows with as close to 100% as possible in Fertility, Space and Cleanliness and one that has carrots.
Once you've decided which centre you want (and you're happy with the price per day) click 'register'. You pay all the money up front, so if you registered for 4 days in an EC costing 15e a day, you pay 60e. You can change the number of days you register at the top of the page but it's best to go for 4 days (which is the default) to start off with.
You will now be back on your foals page. There are now even more new buttons! You can put your foal in the field, in the box, feed them and put them to bed.
Feel free to experiment with the new buttons but if you're a bit nervous then follow the steps below to make sure your foal goes to bed happy and healthy after their first day in an EC.
Click 'meadow' and choose '1 hour 30'.
Click 'box' and choose '2 hours 30'.
Click 'Stroke'.
Click 'Drink'.
Click 'Carrot'. Don't panic if it won't let you give your foal a carrot - it just means the EC it is in does not have them available.
Click 'Groom'.
Click 'Feed'. The first number shows you how much you have already fed your horse today. The second number is how much he needs in total. So if it says 2/6.6, this means you have fed your foal 2 pounds of forage today and it needs 6.6 in total. So choose to feed them 4 pounds. Or put them back in the field until they have eaten the right amount.
Click 'Put to bed'. Check the temperature on the top right-hand side of the Howrse page. If it is 10C or above choose 'In the meadow'. If it is below 10C choose 'In the stall'.
Remember to put your foal to bed before 22.00. You can check to see what time it is in their day by looking in the history box on the bottom left-hand side of the page.
You can also give your foal a turnip at any point in the day (you will need to buy these in the store though).
I know it's complicated at the moment, but I promise that it will become second nature to you soon!
Once your foal in 8 months old, you need to start playing games with them. Check out our next post for more info.
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