At present, the only way of getting this new Snow horse is by purchasing 30 passes before 11pm GMT on 26th September 2010. Although I'm sure you'll be able to get your hands on one in other ways before too long.
OK, so what are those important statistics on Howrse's latest Divine?
Like all Snow's, this one has a total of 1500 skills, with 350 skills in it's top two disciplines and 200 skills in the rest. For the 'dressage' Snow - it has 350 skills in Dressage and 350 skills in Trot. It has 1000 GP (Genetic Potential) and is 46 'starred'. When you get your new Snow he will be 500 years old and, like all other Divine's he cannot breed. But unlike other Divines (not including the Cowbra) he cannot be sold. And finally, his name is in white - indicating he's a 'dressage' Snow. All Snow's have a colour-coded name to show you what their speciality is.
So, that's the new Snow horse. Hope you enjoy yours!
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