In the last year or two, Uni’s have been rather overshadowed by all the Divine and Special horses. But Unicorns (formerly called Unicowrns) are really magical, pretty and fun to breed. Basically, apart from the wonderful horn on their head, Uni’s are pretty much the same as ordinary horses, but with one big difference.
When you breed two Unicorns together, you do not automatically get a Unicorn foal. Five times out of six (on average) you will just get an ordinary horse – a ‘non-Uni’. It’s down to luck and percentages. LucyLou once tried to breed a Unicorn 24 times to produce a Unicorn foal without success! However other players have managed to produce a Unicorn foal in two successive breedings. But the average is around 1 in 6.
Now, there’s also something VERY important to know about Unicorn breeding. You MUST breed your Unicorns at exactly 6.23am or 6.23pm GMT. This is also known as ‘Game Time’. If you cover your mare just 1 second outside of this minute, you will never produce a Unicorn. Harsh but true.
So that’s what you need to know about Unicorns. All you need to do now, to get one of these ‘Birthday Unicorns’ is buy 10 (must be 10 or multiples of 10) passes from Howrse! There’s always a little catch isn’t there?
I don't think you should kave to buy ten or more passes! They cost real money.